i started working on psalters as a project in 1993. The first show was in 1997. Since then over 100 people from atleast 10 different countries have been in psalters at some point. Often there were more people on stage than off......but that didn't stop us from going all out. Many nights there would be more cables, mics, instruments, than eyes and ears. Other times we have played in front of thousands.....and we have played everywhere: in the sinai desert for iraqi bedouins around the fire.....and in the arizona desert just for eachother....around the fire. We have played in front of the Scientology headquarters,....on street corners in norway,.....at the beach,.....at sports bars,....at megachurches,...Anarchist "conferences",...and for a party at a champion cock fighting rooster farm in the hills of Tennessee. We have played for about 50 methodists all over 60 in Iowa..... for 150 kids all under 10 in michigan....and thousands at a time at various colleges, festivals, protests etc.
Every time we play the goal has supposedly been to cry out with prophetic, creative worship to our Hope, Creator, Lord. Sometimes we are hypocrites...but i think it is good to try and be beautiful in the way you live and write and in what you hope to do....even if you fail miserably and your life is ugly and dirty ....He still holds us as His Bride....and we as psalters want to romance the Groom....the One who is the oppressed, the poor, the hated, unsanitary, foolish vagabond....the Lord is Beautiful....may we sing to Him a new song of old...